1) Put your assignment into ChatGPT, Jasper, Bard, CoPilot or whatever AI platform is your favorite.
2) Read the cliche collection of words, headlines, paragraphs, posts, scripts, manifestos and mediocre ideas that come back to you.
3) Google “Best freelance copywriter San Francisco”
4) On the first page, just below all the sponsored posts and paid aggregators, you’ll find JoshDenbergWork.com
5) Look at the work. (Don’t miss Rodents on Turntables for Live Nation. It’s funny.)
6) Compare the work to other freelance copywriters you google, like Drew Hoolhorst, who I don’t know, but he comes up just below Josh on the Google and seems like a nice person.
7) Search “Freelance Advertising Copywriter” on Upwork, LinkedIn and Clutch. Always look at the work. What connects with you emotionally? What makes you think, feel, laugh, itchy?
8) Look at the variety of clients, brands, categories, styles and the different ways they’ve solved problems by writing stuff.
9) Reach out to your three favorites and request a Zoom call.
10) Talk about your project. Talk about what you hope to accomplish. Talk about your goals, the bands you like, your favorite soup, whatever.
11) Hire your favorite. Or hire two of your favorites and see whose work you like better.
12) That’s it. It’s all about the work you love and the connection you have. Don’t believe the braggers, poets, narcissists or charmers. Hire the person you like who wrote the things you like. Maybe it’ll be me? Maybe not. Thanks for reading.
The Freelance Copywriter San Francisco Blog is written and produced by Josh Denberg; a top freelance copywriter, creative director, content writer and founder of Ad Agency Division of Labor. Click HERE to discuss a project.
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-red-typewriter-on-white-table-3695297/