The universal hatred of passwords is the theme for Stytch’s inaugural advertising campaign. I worked with the San Francisco startup through Division of Labor to help remind the world of what we all already know; passwords suck. And Stytch is going to help the internet Go Passwordless.

We created specialty bus shelters based on the idea that people constantly place Post-It Notes around to remember passwords. Each was made out of over 1000 hand-written Post-Its. Dom Haury was another copywriter who worked on this idea. Thanks, Dom!

I think the easiest password in the world to guess is “Your Dog’s name 123”. This is not scientifically proven, but I’d be willing to bet.

Messages on the backs and tops of buses were intentional difficult to read, like the complex combinations of symbols, numbers and letters we all create for the passwords we detest so much.

If you like this CAMPAIGN, check out MORE WORK for STYTCH HERE.

  • Stytch created passwordless login technology that makes it possible for people to log into websites, apps and other digital products without having to enter a password. Authentication developers are really the only ones to use the technology, but Stytch knows how powerful awareness can be be when trying to pave the way for new tech. Josh Denberg is a freelance copywriter in San Francisco who works with tons of technology companies, startups and B2B brands, so if you need help on this type of project, click HERE

  • People universally hate passwords. Trying to remember each individual password for each website and application we access can be infuriating. Stytch has created passwordless technology that developers can build into the authentication portion of their sites, apps and products. And even though the target market for Stytch is a narrow, B2B audience, the awareness we generated proved incredibly valueable to Stytch. Their sales team specifically sited the campaign as a driver of many high profile conversions. And founder Reed McGinley wrote a pointed artilce on the value of brand awareness HERE.

  • Stytch was very happy with the results of this campaign. The work drove a ton of website traffic and was directly responsible for converting a number of new clients. More specifically:

    > 83% increase in web traffic in first week 

    > Organic search traffic increased 170%

    > Paid search impressions increased 181%

    > 257% increase in clicks first week alone

    These are the kind of results you can expect when you work with one of San Francisco’s top freelance copywriters, Josh Denberg.

  • Sadly, yes.